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Identity Access Management – The Need of the Hour

In one of the most famous cases of identity theft and wrongful access of confidential data, David M Read of Virginia stole the American Express Card of actress Demi Moore in 2018. He then obtained her Social Security Number (SSN) and other personal information online and used the card to binge shop to the extent […]

Edge Computing Security in an Expanding Cybersecurity Landscape

For want of a better description for Edge Computing Security in layman’s terms, and though comparisons can sometimes be out of place – think of America’s proposed Strategic Defence Initiative (SDI) – often referred to in jest as the Star Wars Program – which was intended to thwart any ballistic threat to the nation. Edge […]


To understand what XDR (Extended Detection and Response) stands for in layman’s terms, one could perhaps use the analogy of defence systems trying to repel an attack from aliens in a kind of Star Wars scenario.   In the cybersecurity world where threats are more the rule than the exception, nothing could be more embarrassing than […]


Imagine Alibaba and his band of forty thieves at the portals to the legendary treasure cave. ‘Open Sesame!’ he says, expecting the door to permit him entry. To his surprise, a voice booms: ‘Access denied! We have upgraded our access system. Sesame is no longer valid. Please speak clearly so we can identify you.’ Far-fetched? […]

EDR Security: Why is it Important?

As technology advances, more and more businesses are moving their operations online. This shift to the digital world has made it easier for companies to connect with customers and partners all over the globe, but it has also made businesses more vulnerable to cyberattacks. In order to keep your business safe, a robust security system […]

Why Does Your Organization Need a Trusted Cybersecurity Partner?

Cybercrime continues to proliferate, and has globally caused a financial loss of $6 trillion1 in 2021, with an expectation to hit $10.5 trillion by 2025. Cyber criminals are prone to targeting any industry, and this can have a devastating impact2. Not only financial but also in the embarrassment of facing disgruntled customers, halted operations, and […]

What is SASE? And What Are its Benefits?

What is SASE? And What Are its Benefits?

In August 2019 Gartner presented its paper on The Future of Cloud Networking1, where it defined SASE (Security Access Service Edge) as a developing cybersecurity model. This was followed up with in their 2021 Strategic Roadmap for SASE Convergence2, in which the case for SASE was exponentially reinforced. Today SASE is seen as a secure […]

How Does Biometrics Enrich Security? What Are Some Examples?

A security system is only as good as the weakest link. Think of it like the lock on your front door; it can be picked by a thief. But what if you don’t need a key or combination to open your door? What if your door opened based on a camera view of your face […]

What is Data Breach? How Can CASB Help?

A data breach is unauthorized access, use, disclosure, or destruction of confidential information. In simpler terms, it’s when someone gets your data or enters a system without your permission. Data breaches can happen to any organization in any industry often because they failed to enact specific cybersecurity measures like deploying encryption or multi-factor authentication. A […]

Understanding Attack Vectors and Best Practices to Prevent an Attack

An attack vector is a path or means by which an attacker can gain access to a computer system or network. Enabling them to steal data and wreak havoc on a target system. These vectors are typically divided into two categories: local and remote. Local attack vectors are usually exploited by physically accessing the target […]