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K-12 Cybersecurity Quiz

K-12 Cybersecurity Quiz

K-12 Cybersecurity Quiz

What's the state of cybersecurity in your school or district?

Cybersecurity is increasingly important for schools and school districts as cyberattacks, ransomware, and data breaches continue to accelerate.

Take this 12-question quiz to see how you stack up right now with your current cybersecurity measures.

Please complete the quiz to see your score.

See Score

Uh-oh, you are missing key essentials!

Whatever your score, there are certain key essentials that you should have in place for cybersecurity:

  • There should be a clear chain of responsibility for cybersecurity
  • Harmful and malicious internet sites should be inaccessible
  • Email screening and email training for spam and malicious links are needed
  • Software and operating systems should be kept up-to-date
  • Minimum password strength and complexity requirements should be enforced
  • Students and administrative staff should be able to manage their own passwords and password changes

Without these essentials in place, the rest probably won't help you—and you are likely at significant risk. Contact us today using the form on this page for a free consultation with an Aurora education representative.

So-so. We can help.

You have the essentials in place:

  • There should be a clear chain of responsibility for cybersecurity
  • Harmful and malicious internet sites should be inaccessible
  • Email screening and email training for spam and malicious links are needed
  • Software and operating systems should be kept up-to-date
  • Minimum password strength and complexity requirements should be enforced
  • Students and administrative staff should be able to manage their own passwords and password changes

However, there are a number of other items missing from your cybersecurity environment that could help to prevent significant incidents. Contact us today using the form on this page for a free consultation with an Aurora education representative.

Pretty good! But there's always room for improvement.

Good news! You have the essentials in place:

  • There should be a clear chain of responsibility for cybersecurity
  • Harmful and malicious internet sites should be inaccessible
  • Email screening and email training for spam and malicious links are needed
  • Software and operating systems should be kept up-to-date
  • Minimum password strength and complexity requirements should be enforced
  • Students and administrative staff should be able to manage their own passwords and password changes

You also have a few other pieces in place as well. That's good.

But remember, this is only basic readiness!

There's likely significantly more to do to improve your cybersecurity, to reduce your costs, and to make these tools easier for students, faculty, and staff to live with, day to day.

Contact Aurora today to see how we can help you to go from good to great, to reclaim some of your budget, and to improve user experiences!

Talk to Aurora
